I Bet I Can Get a Free Panic Attack out of This

I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I was driving home yesterday in the rain after a hard day at work, and I thought "I don't really want to be here right now". "I don't really like it here, the roads are laid out so as to try and cause confusion and accidents, and I'm getting tired of the struggle with the bureacracy. Life would be simpler on a farm."

Work is getting super hectic and it will only get crazier leading up to December and the work is starting to pile up. And the adoption is adding layer upon layer of complexity and uncertainty.

I spoke with the Spanish immigration lawyers tonight to discuss our specific case since the initial answer we got was nonsense. Our situation and what we want to do is so far outside the realm of possible thinking of Spain's Immigration Ministry. Our lawyer is going to do some checking but likely our "simplest" option is to:

  1. Fly someone to Spain to watch Henry, Addi, and Truman
  2. Jess and Mitchell fly to Beijing
  3. Jess and Mitchell fly to Kunming
  4. Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla drive to QuJing and back to Kunming
  5. Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla fly to Guangzhou
  6. Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla fly to Chicago (or any other city with a passport office) and hang out until Priscilla gets a U.S. passport.
  7. Somehow Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla get to Des Moines for doctor's appointments and heart scan. Still not sure about how to pay for that. Maybe insurance will somehow work?
  8. Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla fly to Madrid. 90 day timer starts for Priscilla.
  9. File for Priscilla's Spanish residence permit
  10. If the 90 days expire before the Spanish residence permit is granted, then Jess and Priscilla fly to London and back, resetting her 90 day timer.
  11. When Priscilla's residence permit is approved, Jess, Mitchell and Priscilla fly to Chicago, give up passport and wait for residence permit. Then return to Madrid. Not sure who watches the kids.

It's like a comedy of global travel. Don't even get me started on the paperwork requirements. :)

Oh yeah, and I get to try and work the entire time.

Yeah, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.